

Cassandra is configured via cassandra.yaml and files. Queuey doesn’t have any specific configuration requirements for Cassandra, though availability and durability guarantees depend on appropriate Cassandra settings.

Please refer to the Datastax community edition documentation for further details.


Queuey is implemented on top of the Pyramid web framework. Documentation for configuring WSGI servers and general deployment techniques therefor also apply to Queuey. The Pyramid cookbook contains some advice on a variety of web servers.

The simplest example of a Pyramid pipeline contains of the following:

use = egg:queuey

paste.filter_app_factory = mozsvc.middlewares:make_err_mdw

pipeline = catcherror


Queuey is configured via an ini-style file, which is also used to configure general Pyramid settings. This ini file contains a number of sections. The following sections contain Queuey specific settings.


Contains a mapping of application name to application key. The application key acts as a shared secret between server and client. For example:

app_1 = f25bfb8fe200475c8a0532a9cbe7651e


Configures the storage for message data.

The type of storage, for Cassandra use:

Further settings are dependent on the storage.


Configures the storage for message metadata.

The type of storage, for Cassandra use:

Further settings are dependent on the storage.

Cassandra storage options

The Cassandra storages support the following additional settings:

A comma separated list of either host or host:port values specifying the Cassandra servers. Defaults to localhost:9160.
A username used for connecting to Cassandra’s Thrift interface.
A password used for connecting to Cassandra’s Thrift interface.
A boolean indicating whether or not Cassandra runs in a multi-datacenter environment, defaults to False. If enabled, read and write operations default to LOCAL_QUORUM instead of QUORUM.
A boolean value indicating if the required Cassandra schema should be automatically created during startup. Defaults to True. If enabled the first server in the host list is used to create the schema.
The name of the keyspace, defaults to MessageStore for the storage and MetadataStore for the metadata section.


Queuey uses metlog for logging metrics. For detailed information see the metlog docs.

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